unfoldingWord 50 - Acohini Yesu

unfoldingWord 50 - Acohini Yesu

Outline: Matthew 13:24-42; 22:13; 24:14; 28:18; John 4:35; 15:20; 16:33; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; James 1:12; Revelation 2:10; 20:10; 21-22

Script Number: 1250

Language: Lopit

Audience: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Bible Quotation: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Da ŋasi 2,000, etiara ifa iluluŋ no huwo da fau daŋ hititira sayejin inno anyar inno Yesu Hetilahani. Ette hajik imojiti hitiara. Ette Yesu elimak to hosie hijo, acohini iso inyeja to hucuŋi nafau. Holobe ida hito inyeja acohini, arasa iso icoriti innohonyie.

Iya nafa etilari eyohoi Yesu hotocohini, awak Hollum iyohoi hatamanyai to hoi no olibo ho to hoi no ebaŋari inyeja. Awak hidofe inyeja iyohoi anyar elimak lia holobe etiru Obie no honyie. Ifa amanya Yesu da fau, ojo inyeja, ”Etiyana iso efahat illohonyie no olibo to lahabwe no Hollum to huwo illohonyie Da fau daŋ, ojo iso hidofe hucuŋi ette awoŋ.”

Teya holobe iluluŋ no huwo etiru hawoŋ no Yesu, ifa holobe inyeja achahari e-itoo, elimak Yesu kristiani he elimak saiye no olibo to huwo illafa holobe itiru. Ojo inyeja, ”Ifeti ilimak efahat illo huwo daŋ!” hijoi, “Ara mana odioŋoti!”

Ojo Yesu hijo, “Obe hegiamani agalik eittok iya ojo hirorita inno fau toŋe, obe isie ewak naŋa. Hati iya ??Da fau inna, "Etigiama iso itai, anaŋ edik itai iya agalik naŋ Sitan, lafa emumura fau inna. Arasa itai huruk dahanaŋ many to hucuŋi? Hati etilwak iso Hollum itai."

Elimak Yesu efahat illohonyie hiyebita anyar elimak, nyo iso olieu to huwo to huchuŋi nafau. Ette hijo, “Tihoni le edulak hinyomo inno olibo tamana honyie, ojo ifa inyeja ofer, afanu iso miorok illohonyie edulak hinyomo inno miyaŋ daŋ ho ŋama, ojo inyeja ette eino ade."

"Nafa esuru, ette hegiamani hijo iyetok, edulak iye hinyomo inno olibo da mana inna! Hati nyo esuru inyeja ho miyaŋ? Ette Etok hitiraŋ, ‘Mereni mahu edulak isieja.’"

Ette hegiamak hitiraŋ de eitok iye Heterutu iyohoi miyaŋ ade? Ette Eitok hitiraŋ hijo, ‘Obe! Egiem itai daŋania, ette itai Abetu ade ho ŋama daŋ. Itilau dahalu hodioŋo, ette itai asuduhak miyaŋ to ofuri ette itai aswuahak, hati iyani ŋama amugu hanaŋ.”

Holobe afahat hiyien iceliti inno hiyebita, ette isieja hifii Yesu he-elimak to hosie hinyejak. Ette Yesu hijo, “Tihoni lo oyek hinyomo inno olibo, ara iso inyeja Hetilahani ojo hitofe mana iso iya fau. Ojo hinyomo inno olibo ara iso illo lahabwe no Hollum."

“Ojo miyaŋ ara iso iya huwo illo ara Sitani. Miorok illo edulak miyaŋ ara iya Sitanii. Ojo dioŋo ara iya huchuŋi nafau, ojo hadioŋok ara iya Anjilohien illo Hollum.”

"Ifa to hucuŋi hafau, otuba Anjilohien daŋ ho huwo illafa ara illo Sitan ette ebirohini to hima iya nafa oyori isieja ojo hidofe ohonyak hala inno hosie to hitigemita inno orru. Teya, ette illo erruk calai iya holoŋ da-lahabwe no Hollum Monye hosie.”

Ette hidofe Yesu hijo, acohini iso inyeja dahatai holobe hucuŋi nafau. Owuu inyeja acohini iya to hoi nafa awuye inyeja, nafa atuni inyeja to kwan nohonyi dede ojo hidofe otuu ho itiran to hide. Ifa acohini Yesu, kristianohien bi-daŋ innafa oye ebuhu to ye ette huruaŋ ho inyeja te ido.

Teya, ette hidofe kristianohien illafa owuar hirre ahide ido ette atubahini ho iluluŋ no kristianohien illafa ebuhu to ye. Ette isieja wuana daŋ ho Yesu de. Da halu teya, ette Yesu manya ho huwo illohonyie to humwuara ho to tubai inna obe hucuŋi.

Ette Yesu hisio ohuluhi to huwo bidaŋ illafa erruk to honyie. Amanya iso isieja ojo hidofe oyiri ho Hollum to humwuara inna obe hucuŋi.

Hati oŋot iso Hollum huwo bi-daŋ illo obe erruk to Yesu. Ebirok iso isieja to hima man oye iso isieja ojo hidofe ohonyak hala innohosie to hitigiemita innoa obe huchuŋuta. Hima inna obe hucuŋi ojo hidofe odule wule to hosie, ojo hidofe huru odule honya isieja.

Ifa acohini Yesu, ette inyeja hitibot efuhai Sitan ette hitihar lahabwe no honyie. Ette ebirok Sitan to hima nafa oswuahari Sitan man fur, ho huwo illafa ejufuta inyeja ojo obe owuon ho huruk to Hollum.

Ette Adam ho Eva miasai Hollum ette eyani hiyau da fau inna, ette Hollum hipit ojo hidofe awak hitihar inyeja. Hati do nobo holoŋ ette ŋayieu itoo inna ŋejuk ho fau inna ŋejuk nafa obis wan.

Ette Yesu ho huwo illohonyie manya da fau inna ŋejuk ette hidofe inyeja hikumo many fur to hiro inno lowuon daŋ ette inyeja efufuse daŋ hidenya ojo iso innak hitigemita obe, jore, yio, ojo hidofe ye. Eniefita iso Yesu lahabwe nohonyie to himwuara ho to bisan. Ojo iso Yesu hidofe inyeja manya ho huwo illohonyie manya inna obe hucuŋi.

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