The Talk Place

Blogs with inside information and personal opinions from GRN members around the world

The privilege of feedback

Dave Hughes - Tuesday 30 September 2014

One of the things that I love about working at GRN is the privilege of getting feedback on how our materials are being used, and the difference that they are making in communities all over the world.

I know that many missionaries may not have this privilege, but rather have to work for years without seeing tangible fruit for their efforts. I feel for them.

But we are in the privileged position of having hundreds of hours of our materials downloaded every day, and it’s fairly common to get feedback.

For example, not long ago a bible translator in Chad asked if we had some materials available in the language she was working in. We did, but as they weren’t yet available on our website I was able to work with the studio to prioritise getting them uploaded to the website for her.

The bible translator then took the time to give us some feedback on the materials. She commented on how accurate the translation was. The songs were appropriate. The music was good. Even the main voice of the speaker was recognised to be one of the most respected men in the area. Her enthusiastic and grateful response came through, and I was able to visualise her using the resources in her community.

It was very encouraging for me receiving this feedback. I’m a long way from Chad, working in an office in Sydney, and yet my efforts can play a part in the gospel going forth in Chad, and indeed all over the world.