The Talk Place

Blogs with inside information and personal opinions from GRN members around the world

Faith in ………… what/who?

Christine Platt - Friday 19 June 2015

I often wonder “In whom am I really trusting”? Am I trusting my own ability? The ability of another? The government? A doctor? Luck? God? Sometimes it can be hard to tell.
As I look back I can see the amazing way God has brought new staff to GRN Australia. He has provided us with a wonderful place to work. We have people who faithfully pray and support the work in a variety of different ways. We have a good board and a clear vision.

We are getting established in Vanuatu and about to re-commence work in PNG. We are hearing of recording trips being carried out in different countries and are excited at the possibilities for God’s kingdom as a result of those recordings being used. 5fish is making our materials available to a whole new audience via mobile phones. We give thanks for all this.

As I look forward I see a financial year with many challenges. We need a new roof and a new retaining wall. We need three new studios, a small meeting room and a prayer room added to our workplace. We have planned an ambitious recordist training course and a final payment is due on the Philippine’s new office. We would love to see staff here and our overseas centres better supported.

This is all rather daunting when you consider the work involved, planning required and how much it’s all going to cost. However, Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. So the challenge is to keep my eyes upon things above, to trust in God and His provision of all we need to accomplish this, and to trust Him to bring it all together in His own time and way.
As I look at the last few years God has provided in the most marvellous ways – people, equipment and resources. It does encourage us to trust and to move forward in faith. We don’t want these things for our own benefit, but for the good of the kingdom.
I’ll let you know how it goes.