The Talk Place

Blogs with inside information and personal opinions from GRN members around the world

Internet: Good or Evil? Blessing or Curse?

Christine Platt - Tuesday 14 April 2015

Well.... it all depends on what you do with it.

One of our guys here had an idea and he tried a little experiment on Facebook. He paid $10 to advertise. He chose a major language spoken in an area very reluctant to engage with the good news about Jesus. He advertised to users of that language who also used a couple of selected "Christian" words in their posts. He advertised with GRN materials - Bible stories in their own language.

The result: about 17,000 people saw the ad, about 1.700 watched an average of three and a half minutes of Bible stories. Around 170 people liked the post, almost 100 commented and nearly 30 shared it with their friends.

He tried again with $100 in a different language. The result? Multiply the above figures by ten. We were amazed by the response.

Pray that God's people will be creative and seek new ways to reach the lost using technology. Pray for those who hear the Good News via technology: for the work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts and minds to bring them to repentance and faith, and that they'd find real, live Christians to help them and for fellowship.

Please pray for those who see our advertisements: that they'd watch the video and for God's work in their hearts and minds. Consider sponsoring one of our advertising campaign - it's a very easy way of getting the Gospel into some very hard to reach places.