The Talk Place

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Is social media the new frontline for evangelism?

James Thomas - Thursday 19 March 2015

Social media is the number one activity on the web.

Personally I do not spend much time engaging with people on social media, but I can see great potential in using social media for evangelism.

Social media is based on relationships and dialogue, important for effectively sharing the good news. People trust comments and recommendations from friends. It is a place where we can live authentic lives openly and transparently in front of our friends. With such free flowing open communication everyone has the power to influence.

Comments and postings can go beyond your immediate circle of friends, potentially going ‘viral’ and reaching anyone in the world. There is opportunity to form new connections and relationships.

Effective evangelism will have an aim of discipleship, going beyond digital relationships and connecting people with other believers. It should not be used as a pulpit for preaching, but as a conversation place, like you would at a café.

Social media can leverage the power of other online resources such as video clips and outreach websites. There is a great collection of thought provoking videos and other resources on the yesHEis website which is designed to support Christians in online evangelism.

Social media is not free of challenges. If you want to become more intentional with your social media evangelism I recommend you check out this Ministry Magazine article by Miroslav Pujic. There are also some helpful tips on the Internet Evangelism Day website.

Finally, make sure your time online is not at the expense of offline relationships.