GRN International Leadership Team

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International Leadership Team consists of 5 - 7 National Directors or Board members who are appointed by the GRN International Council to work with the International Director and to provide global leadership for the mission.

  • GRN International Director and Chair of International Leadership Team. Tim provides strategic leadership and represents the mission at a global level.

  • Director of Europe. Sam coordinates the work of GRN centres and bases across Europe.

  • Executive Director GRN USA. Skip brings a diverse history that includes serving the Lord as a college and seminary professor and as president of two other international ministries.

  • GRN National Director in Asia with more than 20 years ministry experience with GRN in recording, outreach and leadership.

  • Centre Leader GRN Cameroon. Joseph has been in leadership since 1992, is trained as a paramedic and recordist, and has studied translation principles, theology and computer science.

  • CEO GRN Australia. Christine has a background as an electrical engineer, has studied theology, and served for 10 years with SIM (Serving in Mission) in Ecuador.

  • Graydon ColvilleGraydon Colville - Outgoing International Director. Graydon remains connected to the ILT for 2024 to assist in the transfer of leadership.

Informações pertinentes

Método ministerial - A GRN treina e envia missionários gravadores para nações de todo o mundo - nenhum idioma é tão indecifrável, nenhuma vila é tão inacessível.

Visão e Missão - O objetivo da Global Recordings Network é levar o evangelho a toda tribo, língua e nação.

Coordenadores Globais de Ministérios - O papel da Equipe Internacional é colaborar com as atividades e o funcionamento da GRN para que esta complete sua missão de "contar a história de Jesus em todas as línguas".

GRN, a organização - A GRN é uma aliança global de 50 operações, ligadas por um compromisso comum e um acordo.