Canada Praise and Prayer - April 2024

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1. GRN Canada: Mark Griffin the director asks for prayer for his wife, Tammy, who was in the hospital with sepsis infection. This was due to a blockage of 3 kidney stones, which she is having surgery for.

2. GRN Canada: Marian Elliott has completed her treatment with slight hearing returned. She still needs a hearing device called a 'pocket talker' to enable her to hear. Pray that she will not suffer any further loss and will be able to receive hearing aids in the future. The doctors do not know the cause and are concerned that she could lose her hearing ability completely.

3. GRN International:Tim Strauss has taken over as the International Director as of April 1st. Pray for Tim as he learns his new role and as he visits the GRN centers that he will be an encouragement to them. Pray for Tim as he uses his past mission experience to help move the ministry forward.

4. GRN Canada: Kevin and Ruth Horan have both been able to achieve good progress in their respective ministries. Kevin has been able to solve some technical problems for Galcom. Ruth has found additional studio problems that were not dealt with in the past. This has now enabled the editing of some recordings that were not entered into the GRN database. They would appreciate prayer for wisdom as they tackle the problems they encounter in their respective ministries.

5. GRN UK: Pray for Kenny who recently learned they need to move out of their present office, which is being redeveloped. Please pray for wisdom for the Board and Kenny as they make decisions about a future location.

6. Prayer warriors: We give thanks to God for our prayer partners who uphold the work of GRN in Canada and around the world. Without prayer our work would not be fruitful, as it is the Holy Spirit who draws people to Christ.

7. Scripture prayer: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1.

8. GRN Canada: Director, Mark Griffin would appreciate prayer for the many contacts he has made over the past six months. There is a need to see additional funds come in to meet his monthly salary and related expenses. Pray that some of the contacts made will step forward and give generously to the ministry of GRN Canada.

9. The Sengwar of Kenya: The Kenyan team completed the Look, Listen & Live series in the Sengwar language. The distribution effort assembles local church leaders and trains them in the use of GRN materials so they can effectively reach out to various congregations and groups.

10. Church partnership: In an Asian country on the Open Doors watch list (high level of Christian persecution) an organization is working well with the local church to train Christians to work with our recording teams in translation, recording, and outreach. Pray for new staff being trained and for their courage in the face of opposition.

11. GRN Canada: The Board will be meeting this evening to review the financial audit review for 2023. They will also be discussing the current needs that the mission is facing. Please pray for the board members; Roy, Christina, Bill, Glenn, Kelly and Keith as they make important decisions. Pray that God will give them wisdom to address the issues that GRN Canada currently faces.

12. Supporting recordists: Pray for the US and Australian centers who seek to support multiple recording teams worldwide. Unrest and trouble are growing around the world, but our God goes before us. Pray that we might continue to tell the story of Jesus in every language.

13. Scripture prayer: Oh, give thanks to the God of gods! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:2

14. GRN USA: Pray that God would call the person of His choosing to serve as Executive Director, and more staff to serve in various ways on the Tucson compound.

15. Good news: One unnamed Asia country has two fully trained recordists. One, Candra, traveled to a remote people group a few months ago where he recorded several GRN programs in a minority language. He is currently editing and programming them. While away he also distributed existing recordings in some neighboring languages. Pray for God's blessing on these projects.

16. 5fish developments: The 5fish app continues to enable people to hear the story of Jesus in every language. The development team is working on new features and improvements. This year will see extensive testing of 5fish by people around the world in a variety of contexts. Pray that it will become easier to use and available to more people.

17. GRN Kenya: Walter's wife, Pauline was recently diagnosed with typhoid. Pray for her complete recovery and for the health of the entire family. She is a teacher who has been teaching at a location that is far away from the family and is only able to make short visits during the school year. She would like to get a teaching position in Nairobi so she can be with the family. Pray that God will open up a position for her to enable the family to be together all the time.

18. USA Publications: Pray for the publication team that has worked diligently to prepare our 85th Anniversary celebration magazine, which should hit mailboxes very soon.

19. GRN International: Pray that the millions who still don't have access to the Gospel will be led into the kingdom through combined efforts of GRN teams, local churches, and other mission partners.

20. Tumi progress: The Tumi Tiger messages of hope and comfort are currently being prepared in Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic. May they bring blessing and the comfort of God's Word to children suffering from wars.

21. AI and IS: Artificial Intelligence, like all tools, can be used for good or harm. Pray for the team in Australia who are hoping to use it to generate media content. Pray also for the Lord to continue to protect GRN systems from the increasingly sophisticated threats on the World Wide Web.

22 Scripture prayer: Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:3

23. GRN USA: Give thanks to the Lord for the completed studio suite in our Tucson office. This fully outfitted studio will allow our recordists to bring in language helpers to record in optimum conditions.

24. Courage under fire: Many of our GRN staff are working in parts of the world where it is not safe for us to mention even the name of the country. They have the courage and faith to continue to serve the Lord in countries where serving may lead to imprisonment or even death. Pray for protection and safety for them and for much fruit from their work.

25. GRN Switzerland: Philippe is Director of the Swiss center; pray for health and strength as he works to support the work of GRN in West Africa. Pray that the Lord will continue to provide the funds needed for this task.

26. Scripture prayer: Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:16

27. GRN Togo: Pray for the team who are active in recording and distribution but have had health problems. Pray that the recordings will transform lives as people hear of their Savior.

28. GRN USA: Praise the Lord for 85 years of God's provision of finances and resources for ministry. Give thanks with us as we celebrate God's faithfulness.

29. New Testament recording: Thailand and a neighboring country have recorded the New Testament in a language that crosses their border. Four recordists are busy editing their work and having it checked by the translation team. Pray for the recordists that they would catch any potential problem areas.

30. Praise for donations: Give thanks for our wonderful partners who give faithfully to the work of GRN. No matter the size of the donation, the gifts are always multiplied by the Lord for His glory and the salvation of the lost.

Verwante informatie

Canada - Informatie over Canada

Praise and Prayer - Canada - Prayer news and notes from GRN Canada.