Nouvelle Zélande

Information à propos de Nouvelle Zélande

Region: Océanie
Capital: Wellington
Population: 5,228,000
Area (sq km): 267,515
FIPS Country Code: NZ
ISO Country Code: NZ
GRN Office: Global Recordings Network Australia

Map of Nouvelle Zélande

Map of Nouvelle Zélande

Langues et dialectes parlés en Nouvelle Zélande

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Trouvé 7 noms de langues

Anglais [United Kingdom] - ISO Language [eng]

Anglais Australien [Australia] [eng]

Anglais Britannique [United Kingdom, Greater London] [eng]

Chinese, Yue [China, Guangdong] - ISO Language [yue]

Maori [New Zealand] - ISO Language [mri]

New Zealand Sign Language - ISO Language [nzs]

Niué [Niue] - ISO Language [niu]

Groupes de personnes en Nouvelle Zélande

Americans, U.S. ▪ Anglo-Australian ▪ Anglo-Canadian ▪ Anglo-New Zealander ▪ Anglo-South African ▪ Arab, Lebanese ▪ Austrian, Bavarian ▪ Black African, general ▪ British ▪ British, Scottish ▪ Cook Islands Maori, Rarotongan ▪ Croat ▪ Danish ▪ Deaf ▪ Dutch ▪ European, general ▪ Fijian ▪ Filipino, Tagalog ▪ French ▪ German ▪ German Swiss ▪ Greek ▪ Gypsy, Anglo-Romani ▪ Han Chinese, Cantonese ▪ Han Chinese, Mandarin ▪ Han Chinese, Wu ▪ Indonesian ▪ Irish ▪ Isan, Northeastern Thai ▪ Italian ▪ Japanese ▪ Jew, English Speaking ▪ Khmer, Central ▪ Korean ▪ Malay ▪ Maori ▪ Niuean ▪ Pacific Islanders, general ▪ Persian ▪ Pitcairner, Norfolk ▪ Polish ▪ Pukapuka ▪ Rakahanga-Manihiki ▪ Russian ▪ Samoan ▪ Serb ▪ Slovene ▪ Somali ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Spaniard ▪ Tahitian ▪ Tokelauan ▪ Tongan ▪ Turk ▪ Tuvaluan ▪ Vietnamese ▪ Welsh

Nouvelles à propos de Nouvelle Zélande

Language Recordings New Zealand - Contact details for Language Recordings' office in New Zealand.