Letters of James and John

Letters of James and John

Esquema: James, 1 John

Número de guión: 1391

Idioma: English

Audiencia: General

Tipo: Bible Stories & Teac

Propósito: Evangelism; Teaching

Citación Biblica: Paraphrase

Estado: Approved

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Guión de texto

Title ideas:Letters from James and John.Prove [show] that you have true faith.Show your Christian love.

Apostles are men whom Jesus himself chose to be his messengers.An apostle named James wrote a letter, and an apostle named John wrote three letters. These are included in the Holy Book called the Bible.

James wrote, “God gives everlasting life to people who have authentic [real] faith. People who have real faith in Jesus, show their faith by doing good actions.

“Maybe [Suppose] other Christians need clothes or have no food. Maybe [suppose] you say to them, I wish you well! Stay warm and eat plenty of food! But maybe [suppose] you do not give to them clothes or food.

If you do not give them anything, then your faith is dead [false], and it cannot give [bring] you life.

“Abraham had a true faith in the Lord, and he showed his faith by his actions. When the Lord ordered Abraham to offer his son to God, he did so [he obeyed].”

John wrote, “People who say that they obey God must love other Christians. If you hate other Christians, then you are not obeying God.

Jesus commanded us Christians to love one another. If you love other Christians, then you will not do actions that cause [make] other Christians to sin.

“People who hate other people are the same as [just as guilty as] murderers. And we know that [unrepentant] murderers do not have eternal life.

“Jesus died so that we may live forever, because he loves us. When we offer our lives [goods that sustain life] to help others, we really love them.

“If we have enough food and clothes, but other Christians do not have enough, then we must share with them. If we do not share with them, then we do not show God’s love for them.

“Do not talk about God’s love, unless you show God’s love by helping Christians who do not have enough food or clothes.

“Keep on showing love one for another. In that way, you know that you have become God’s children. God always loves us. But people who do not love other people do not know [belong to] God.

“God showed how much he loves us, when he sent Jesus to die for us, so that we have eternal life. So we must love other people, because God loved us so much.

“We love God, because he loved us first. So, if someone says, I love God, while he hates another Christian, then he is a liar. Everyone who loves God must also love other Christians.”

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