unfoldingWord 36 - Wijcha khaiyar

unfoldingWord 36 - Wijcha khaiyar

Outline: Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36

Script Number: 1236

Language: Arabic, Chadian

Audience: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Bible Quotation: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Yom wahid se’iidna Isa naada talata min talamizah: Bitrus, Yakhub wa Yaya. (al tilmiz al usma Yaya da ma hu al barrad barud al mamudiya le se’iidna Isa) wa khalas human fato wehedum wa rikibo fook fi l- hajar le yi sallu.

Wakit se’iidna Isa gaiid bi salli, wijcha bi rari misil al haray. Wa lubasa bigi abiyat kar misil al nuur. ma fi nadum misilah fi l- duniya.

Khalas nabi Musa wa nabi iliyas bano lehu. Humman dol aacho gubal se’iidna Isa min mihat al sinin. Hajjo le se’iidna Isa wa khabbaro be motah al gerib yabga fi l- madinat al Khuds.

Wakit al nabi Musa wa nabi Iliyas gadin bi hajju ma’a se’iidna Isa da, Bitrus gaal le se’iidna Isa: « al bakan da adil le nagodu foga. khallu ni sawwu talata lagadib., wahid leek, wahid le nabi Musa wa wahid le nabi Iliyas. » Lakin Bitrus ma fihim chunu alkan.

Wakit Bitrus kallam al sahab dalla wa saddahum. Humman simo hiss min al sama wa gaal: « Da Ibni al ni ridah wa ana farhan beya, asmoho kalamah. » Al talamiz al talata ankharo wa wago tihid.

Khalas se’iidna Isa lammasahum wa gaal: « ma ta khaffo gummu foog. » Wakit raffoho rasuhum chafo se’iidna Isa faddal weheda.

Se’iidna Isa wa talamiz al talata dallo min al hajar. Khalas se’iidna Isa gaal lehum: « kan machetu mati hajju le nadum be chey al chiftuh hini. Ana ni mut garib wa naba’as. Ba’ad da ti hajju le l- naas.

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