Birth of Christ from Good News

Birth of Christ from Good News

Zusammenfassung: Pictures 12 and 13 from the Good News^ script. Angelic announcements to Mary and to Joseph; trip to Bethlehem; birth in a stable; angelic announcement to shepherds; they find the Baby and tell the people.

Skript Nummer: 472

Sprache: English

Thema: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ); Bible timeline (People of God)

Zuschauer: Muslim; General

Stil: Monolog

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Zweck: Pre-evangelism

Bibelzitat: Minimal

Status: Approved

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Skript Text

Jesus was born in a very special way. An angel from heaven was sent to a young virgin named Mary. Mary was engaged (promised in marriage) to a man named Joseph. The angel told Mary that God was going to cause her to become pregnant without having contact with a man. Mary knew that God had the power to make the heavens and the earth by saying the word. She knew that God could do what He said He would do, and she believed Him. In a very special way, God was the Father of Jesus.

The angel also appeared to Joseph in a dream. The angel explained to Joseph that Mary had not been with another man, but that God was doing something special in her. He instructed Joseph and Mary to name the child, "Jesus," which means, "Savior." Joseph obeyed God, and did not sleep with Mary until the baby was born.

About this time, the king required all people to return to the town of their ancestors, so he could keep an account of the people. Mary and Joseph had to travel to the town of Bethlehem. When they arrived there, no one had room for them. All the houses were full of people, so they had to stay where the cattle were kept. It was there that Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus.

That night, an angel appeared to some shepherds who were watching their sheep in a field nearby. He told them that this special Child, who was to be the Saviour of the people, was born nearby. Then, suddenly, many angels appeared in the sky, singing and praising God. The shepherds went to see this special Child. They told the people all around there how the angels had appeared to them.

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