Jesus honored a widow for her generous gift to God

Jesus honored a widow for her generous gift to God

Zusammenfassung: Mark 12:35-13:23, Luke 20:1-21:33

Skript Nummer: 1252

Sprache: English

Zuschauer: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Zweck: Evangelism; Teaching

Bibelzitat: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

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Skript Text

Title ideas:
Jesus honored [praised] a poor widow.
Can poor people please God?
Little is much!

One day, Jesus went into the inner courtyard in the Temple with his disciples.
They sat down near the offering container where the people were putting their money that they were giving to God.

There were many rich people who gave large amounts of money.

Jesus saw a poor widow woman as she came to that place. Jesus indicated to his disciples that they should watch that woman. She put into the offering container two very small [value] coins [pennies] [that would not buy much food].

Jesus said to his disciples, “Learn this [Listen]! God has accepted that woman’s offering [gift / money] with very much joy! Some people gave much money, but they still had much money left. This woman is very poor. Yet, she has given all the money that she had [which she might have used for food today and tomorrow]!”

“God considers this woman’s offering to be worth very much more money [value] than all the other people’s gifts added together!”

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