Tumi Talks about Life in and out of the Woods

Skripnommer: 920

Taal: English: USA

Bybelaanhaling: None

Status: Publishable


Preliminary notes

Orientation beforehand
It is important to note that this text primarily transfers Christian life skills to a child (possibly traumatised) and is not meant as a methodology for conversion: i.e. steps leading a child to Christ. The 38 ‘chats’ are intended as independent units that the child can tune into randomly, and each time internalise a different skill from a Christian perspective through Scriptural guidelines. The units do keep facts and information from previous ‘chats’ in mind, but do not aim to explore a single, basic theme, as would be the case with a written text, such as a story book.

The strategy and structure
• Tumi Tiger as narrative character is used as a counselling tool, but does not act as counsellor itself. The child learns and is guided through Tumi’s adventures and mistakes on crucial matters.
• Tumi as character has its own frame of reference as a tiger cub. Thus, it views, addresses and engages the child as a playmate and a tiger as well (or a human ‘cub’). This technique is employed to ensure authenticity in the interaction.
• Some aspects or topics that the text conveys can be problematic or strange to certain cultures. Our recommendation is that the exceptions should not be made a universal ‘maxime’, but that those aspects be explained or altered according to the context. Possible examples: hugging as ‘good touching vs bad touching’; ‘boundaries ‘protecting property/ something precious; focus on parents and family as environment.
• Keep in mind that the ‘chats’ on life skills do also focus on self-empowerment, which can be problematic in certain cultures (e.g. a girl empowered to say ‘No’). Thus contextualisation of the text is recommended if necessary.
• Even though the ‘chats’ are only numbered, hidden titles are provided in brackets to structure the topics functionally in case of a table of contents or for marketing purposes.
• The repetition of various actions may seem unnecessary and even irritating to readers, particularly when working continuously through the themes. However, it should be remembered that children do not have such an analytical approach and is introduced to and handles a unit at time.
• The stories (chats) follow a progress and up the ante, especially when the level covers more complex life skills such as power, post-traumatic stress syndrome, forgiveness, grieving and well-being.

The presentation and performance
• Interaction possibilities are built into the chats (some may be cut if necessary) without influencing the story line (e.g. the hug a day, which keeps the tears away).
• Use the pauses to correlate with the movement and interaction as suggested. Insert additional pauses if needed.
• Play on tiger imitation with words containing rrr (e.g. cubs errr … kids).
• The text will guide the recordists and actor by bold or italicised formatting about which words to emphasise in presenting new information and for inculcation.
• Use standardised tiger mood noises (e.g. purring or Aahh after a tiger hug).
• The chats are structured and planned in such a way that basic skills and knowledge are transferred and inculcated (e.g. left/right knee or ear, colours or meaning of names).
• The children get focused and are taught basic discipline through conditioning: their right knee as ‘story bench’ and right ear as ‘secrets ear’, etc.
• The units are also structured and programmed to stand alone, hence the repeated intro where Tumi introduces itself.
• There are some options inserted for interaction (e.g. scratching the tiger’s ears or placing the tiger on shoulders). The recordists should make the final decision about which options could enhance or may interrupt the recording.
• The title to each story is functional in structuring the chats according to themes; however, it could be used as captions for the different sections of the CD/tape.
• In the course of the chats, certain tiger sayings are coined (e.g. Tigers who growl don’t grow). These can be used for marketing (e.g. mottos on paraphernalia and stickers, or themes for blurbs).

Chat 1 - Tiger Intro

Chat 1 - Tiger Intro

Hi there! My name is Tumi, Tumi Tiger. I like it when you hold me close. Aah prrrr [purring sound – standard sound effect] yeah, this feels soooo good. Now I feel safe and happy. Thanks, you give me courage, because you are my friend.
What is your name? Say again, just next to my ear. No, the other one. [pause]

Oh, that is a lovely name. Do you know what? My name, Tumi, means courage and happiness. Hmm. Let me say that again: Tumi means courage and happiness. Do you know what your name means? Say again next to my left ear. Shh … not so loud. Whisper it. Or, you do not know? That’s OK. Just ask your Mom and Dad or someone taking care of you.
See, I am a tiger – look at my stripes. But I am a tiny tiger, so I am your friend and I can play with you. Can you count the stripes from the tip of my tail to the top of my head? Wheee, that tickles! OK, how many stripes on my back? [pause]

I have seven stripes on my back. Well, some stripes are not full, but they are there. Did you know? The stripes of each of us tigers look different; We all have different patterns. Why? Because each one of us is special. Look at me again. Which part of me looks really special to you? [pause]

I’m glad.
Now, look at yourself. See your arms and your legs. Which part of you do you really like? Say again? [Pause] Hold me close so I can hear better. [pause]

You see, you are also special. There is no one like you. The Bible tells us this. In Isaiah 49:16 Father God says to people who belong to Him: “I have engraved you on the palm of my hands.” Do you see how important your name is to Father God? He writes your name on his hands. This is to show how important you are to him.
How do you feel now? Say it again. That’s right. Remember you are a special tiger. Can you rub your hand over my back, over my stripes? Aahh … now Tumi feels special too.
Remember, you are a special tiger. So, if things happened that don’t make you feel happy and special, or if you need courage to go on, you can talk to someone.
There is a number hidden inside my tiger tummy that you can dial. Just look where my voice is hidden.
Also find a grown-up whom you can trust, maybe a teacher or councillor, to discuss these things.

These numbers can be inserted in any of the ‘tiger chats’. The option is written in.

Chat 2 - Tiger Precious

Chat 2 - Tiger Precious

Hi there, how are you today? Have you ever lost something verrry special? I mean something rrreally close to you? Pinch your nose [pause].

Now pinch mine. Ouch! Not so hard, a bit softer. Well, you know where your nose is. And you are holding me close. You remember my name? I am Tumi Tiger, your friend and I like to be hugged, like now. That’s it! Now place me on your right knee and hold me. [pause]

This will be our story bench, OK? Now, I want to tell you a tiger tale about something that happened to me.

One fine day I was playing and skipping in the field. It was the third month of the year. Errr … I think it was … [pause]. What’s that? [pause]

Yes, yes,right, March. So I was marching along, being on my own. And then I trampled on something. “Ouch, what? What is this?” What did I see? Spin me around once and then hold me close and I will tell you. I looked down and I saw something glittering. It was like a pebble, only bigger. “This is a special stone,” I told myself. I ran to our tiger den and called my Mom, Thandiwe Tiger. Do you know what Thandiwe means? Thandiwe means: loved one. Mom looked at the stone. “This is a gemstone,” she said [alter voice for Mom]. Then my Dad, Tandile Tiger, came back from hunting. Dad’s name means: fire. Oh, this is an emerald, Tumi,” he said [make voice somewhat gruff for Dad]. “It is veeerrry special and most precious.”

“Can I keep it?” I asked. “I think so. You found it. So it’s yours.” And I, Tumi, was very happy. I found something precious. Now, do you know, this is how Father God sees you. He made you and you are valuable to him. You know what valuable means? You are more than special. You make Him smile and make Him proud. That’s because he wants you to be just the way you are. You are valuable, because you are a tiger. Take a look at me. Hold me a bit away [pause] that’s right, so you can see me better, the whole of me. Now, the other tigers say my ears look a bit like my Mom tiger’s and my nose and mouth like my Dad tiger’s.

But that’s not what makes me special. Tap my heart, now tap yourself on your heart. You are special because of what is inside there. That is your character. You look like your Mom and Dad. But what really makes you special is this. You want to know something really special? We all have the character of Father God. He created us to be just like him. Have you thought about the way you do things right and how you care about others? In the Bible (Psalm 1) David, tells you in a poem about a tree that is planted by a stream. This tree has enough water and gives good fruits. You are like the tree when you live close to Father God and listen to His words and then you do nice things.

Now, be a gem and scratch me behind my right ear. Yeaah, that feels nice, a little lower, move around where you can see the pink … purrrfect.
Remember, you are valuable; so when you feel like talking to someone or you really, rrrreally need help:
There is a special number hidden inside my Tumi tiger tummy that you can dial. Just look where my voice is hidden.
Also, find a grown-up whom you can trust, maybe a teacher or councillor, to discuss these things.

Chat 3 - Tiger friend

Chat 3 - Tiger friend

Hi, Tumi here with you. Oh! I forgot your name. [pause]

Oh, that’s right. You have a beautiful name. Do you also have a second name? [pause]

You humans also call it a surname. Say it close to my ear, the right ear. [pause]

Oh, so that is your surname? I like it. Now the important part first. Give me a huge tiger hug. [pause]

Aaahh … purrrrr … yeah. Now we are close tigers. You and I are tiger buddies. You know, if you hold me close, I feel like my name – I feel happy. Because I have a close friend. What is your name again? [pause]

No [heheheh tiger chuckle], I did not forget. I am just having a bit of tiger fun with you. That’s what real friends do. You can have fun and make fun with a buddy. And your friend will not get cross or growl at you.
But let me tell you something very special [talk softer]. Hold me close to your right ear. This will be our ear for sharing, right? Did you know that your name is not just a word? If my Mom tiger calls: “Themba!” I don’t move a paw. ‘Cause she wants something from my brother. But if she calls: “Tumi!” I move quickly on all four legs. I know it is me she wants. So, my name is also who I am. And your name, say that lovely name again. [pause]

Yes, that name is who you are.
Do you want to hear another, special something? Hold me close to our secrets ear. That’s right, your right ear. Did you know that we both have a more special Friend? He is our VBF, our Very Best Friend. You and I have a Friend and we belong to Him. His Name is Jesus. And, if you help me stretch out, lightly pull my arms above my head … wow, buddy, not so hard … then I will tell you something verrry special. You know, the Name Jesus says who He is for us.

Let me explain with a story. Now, place me on our story bench (that’s rrright, your rrright knee), I want to tell you about my brother, Themba . One day he was playing near the river, around the corner. “Nice pools!” He shouted. He made a huge splash … Too late we saw the sign: Danger: whirlpools. Oh! The water was pulling Themba in. It was too deep for me to help. And then … we saw a bigger Tiger. He jumped in and helped Themba out. “Let me show you where it is safe to swim,” he said.

Themba shook the water off his fur: “Brrrrrrwwrrrrbrrrrrrr.” He also made me wet. “Hey!” But we were so busy getting dry. We did not ask the bigger tiger’s name. “Oh well,” Themba said and blew drops off his snout: “He is our special friend who saved me, right?”

You see, this is what the Name Jesus means: He is our special Friend Who saved us. He shows us where it is safe. He shows you and me the way to Father God. With Jesus we are totally safe. Now we belong to Him. So He calls us His close friends. We follow Him. He shows us the right way to make God proud and happy. Jesus says in John 15:14-16 we are His friends if we do what He says: We must think of other tigers first and what they would like.

So, tell me: Don’t you think it is cool to need someone? My cousin, Thaba, doesn’t like it when he doesn’t feel in charge. “I do not need any other tiger,” he often growls. But just the other day I found him under the thorn tree: “Tumi, I am so alone.”

OK, so you are my tiger buddy. So I can tell you: do not be afraid to turn to Jesus. He is our special Friend. So we do not have to feel alone. Now, give me a last huggg … just for friendship.
And remember you can also contact friends:
There also is a number hidden inside my Tumi tummy that you can dial. Here where my voice is hidden.
Also, find a grown-up whom you can trust, maybe a teacher or councillor, to discuss these things.

Chat 4 - Tiger's den

Chat 4 - Tiger's den

Hi there, this is Tumi, your tiger buddy. How are you doing? Some types of tigers say: “I see you,” when they meet. Hallo, I see you. You can hold me up so that I can look into your eyes. That’s right. Do you also see me? [pause]

Now we can both see each other’s eyes. Let us play a tiger game. We switch places. Let’s say, you are Tumi. How do you see yourself if you look through my tiger eyes? Are you feeling what my name means (happy)? Do you feel safe and do people care for you? Say it close to my left ear.

You know what I like best? Hold me close to your heart. [pause]

Shhh … I can really hear your heart beating. When I hear this, I feel good and safe. I feel that someone cares for me. Now I can tell you about my friend, Tate [say it Tá-teh] Tiger. Sometimes she does not look happy. She just sits and doesn’t want to play. When I chase butterflies, she sits. She is unhappy and she says she does not have tiger parents to care for her. They were both taken away by a huge box on wheels, oh yes, people call it a truck. Then my Dad tiger took her into our tiger den. This is the place where we all feel safe. Now she is safe and has somebody to look after her – to care for her. Now she is my new sister tiger.

What do you do when you feel bad or you are a really sad cub? If something makes you feel bad? Or if someone makes you really unhappy? Hold me closer and I will tell you something special – in your right ear. That is our ear for sharing, remember? You can be close to Someone’s heart. Do you belong to Jesus as your best Friend? Then you can know Father God. I mean, really be so close to Father God, that you can talk to Him softly or with the things that you think about. Then you can know God is with you. God is Spirit. He talks to you through the Bible. Listen to what He says about you in Isaiah 43:1: “Don’t be afraid, I have saved you; I called you by your name and you are mine.”
If you feel lonely or unhappy, like my new sister, Tate Tiger, you can talk to Father God. Say what is in your heart, we call talking to God, praying.
When God is with you and you feel that close to Him, you get the purrfect care. You cannot see Father God, but He is all around you. Where you play or do your homework, or walk in the park. See Him smiling and giving you love. He wants the best for you. Remember, Father God is your Den. With Him you can feel safe. If you want to talk to someone who really understands, call a number hidden inside my tummy. Look where my voice is hidden.
Also, find a grown-up whom you can trust, maybe a teacher or councillor, to discuss these things.

My den today is in your arms. If you could just hold me against your shoulder until I … zzzzzzzzzz [tiger snoring]

Chat 5 - Tall Tiger

Chat 5 - Tall Tiger

Hi, hallo. How do you feel today? Say it close to my ear. [pause]

Oh, do you feel that way? Yes, this is Tumi, your tiger buddy. Today I want to ask you a riddle. First, give me a nice tiger hug. Aaaaaaah, that’s it. Now, hold me close to your ear for our sharing. That’s the right ear. Can you tell me … [pause for effect] what my favourite colour is? [pause]

You will not guess, or maybe you will. It is yellow, the colour I like best. Yellow like my skin. See my skin? Yellow, yellow for mellow. Mellow means: be calm and do not make things hard for yourself and others.
I have a friend, Luhlaza Tiger. Do you know what his name means? Wait. First, let me sit on your shoulder. [pause]

That’s it. Ooops, hold me so that I don’t fall off. Hey, it’s high from up here. Now I feel like a tall tiger. Where was I … Oh yea … Luhlaza, Luhlaza means ‘green’. So, you know what his favourite colour is? … green of course. Well, Luhlaza () is always trying to be the best. He walks upright. Put me, put me down from your shoulder [pause].

Thanks. I was getting a bit dizzy.
Now, about Luhlaza … he tries to run faster than the other tiger cubs like me. He tries to be the best tiger and do everything right. You know, I wash my paws after I eat. He washes his paws before and after he eats. And the other tiger cubs begin to walk away when they see Luhlaza tiger coming on the path. One day when we came to our den, Luhlaza was gone. The other tiger cubs were feeling sorry. “Maybe we said the wrong things.” Themba tiger, my brother cub, says: “I saw him sitting under the mulberry bush. He looked unhappy.”
All the tiger cubs went to look for Luhlaza. “Look there,” said Thandi, our sister cub. And we saw a white roof standing out behind the treetops. Carefully, on all four paws, we crept closer. Then, we saw Luhlaza. He was in a box behind bars, in a cage. Luhlaza was caught and had to perform in the circus. And he looked so unhappy. When he saw us, he cried and tiger tears rolled off his face. Luhlaza was not free to be a real tiger anymore.
Do you try to be a tall tiger, like Luhlaza? Do you want to be the best tiger and always do everything better than others? Then you will just be unhappy. Why? Remember what happened to Luhlaza. He was not free anymore, and had to perform better than others. When you always have to show you are better than others, then you are also not free. And you know what? Like Luhlaza tiger, the other cubs won’t like you if you always try to be stronger and better than them. But let me tell you something special. You don’t have to try so hard to be good and do everything right. Father God doesn’t work that way. He tells you in his Word (the Bible): 2 Corinth 12:9: “I care for you and that is enough. When you are weak, then I am strong.” See, Father God will carry you. That’s a prrromise.
Remember, yellow for mellow. Do not try to be better or smarter than you are. When you are just what you are and you don’t try to always be better than others, or show off before others, then you are really strong. Why? Father God gives you the strength. He carries you when you cannot go on. Remember also if you feel weak and need friends you can call the number hidden inside my tiger tummy. Just look where my voice is hidden.
Also find a grown-up whom you can trust, maybe a teacher or councillor, to discuss these things.

Now, I want to practice to be tall – just kidding! Let me stretch out and you can rub my tummy, aahh that’s good. Now that’s what I call mellow.

Chat 6 - Tiger tracks

Chat 6 - Tiger tracks

Hi there, my friend. You are my special friend. I am Tumi, your playfriend. Where did you come from just now? I mean, before you picked me up? You know, when I was lying waiting, I saw you coming. Now, lift me up … whooaa, gentle – you can see my paws. I have four paws, that’s two pairs. How many do you have? [pause]

Oh, you do not have paws? Well, my paws make tracks where I walk in the path. So I can see where I come from if I look back. Do you want to make me walk? You can do it after our Tiger-talk. But remember: we tigers walk on four legs.
Did you know? You also make tracks. Take a look when you walk in the sand, or when you are on the beach. Your tracks show the way that you came from. But do you want to know something really special? Pick me up, and let me talk into your sharing ear – that’s right, your right ear. Did you know [talking in a whisper tone]: you make other tracks. This shows where you really came from and what makes you special.
Can we go outside? Or can you look out the window? If you have a Mom and Dad, can you now look and see the crops that they have planted? What type of crops do you see? [pause]

We have wild berries planted in the ground, in soil outside our den, for a special treat. The plant has roots that go into the soil. It helps the plants to grow. And you? You want to know something very special? You are also planted and your roots go deep. That is what type of tiger you are, and the way you do things (your custom). Do you have a language that you learnt when you were small? Say “planted” in your own language. [pause]
That sounds grrreeeeaat. And look at the clothes that you wear. You have your own way with clothes. We call that fashion.
Do you want to know one more special thing? Pick me up. That’s it. Just next to our sharing ear, your right ear. Father God made you a special tiger cub, err … human kid. Listen carefully. This is very, very, very important. In His Word, the Bible, Father God tells all babies this: “Before you were born, I saw you and loved you very much.” If you have a Mom or Dad, ask your parent to read you Psalm 139:16-17.
So, now you know: Father God has a special way for you to follow. We call that a plan. So you can make new tracks. And you can know that your Father God is with you. When things get bad or hard, He picks you up. Now, do you want to make your own tracks? When our tiger chat is over, take a page of paper or a newspaper. Go outside and walk in the mud. Then, stand on the paper, very still. And see, you made tracks, footprints. Remember to go wash your feet before you go back into the den (errr ... house). Keep this print of your tracks to remind you: Before you were born, you were special to Father God.
Oh yes. Maybe you want to talk to someone about your roots or anything, you can call the number hidden inside my tummy. Just look where my voice is hidden.
Also, find a grown-up whom you can trust, maybe a teacher or councillor, to discuss these things.

Now it is time for me to go back to my roots. Scratch my neck, just below my head. Aaahhh, … ZZZZZZZZZ [snoring sound – standard]

Chat 7 - Tiger treats

Chat 7 - Tiger treats

Hallo, my tiger buddy. I am Tumi, your special friend. You know, I am really glad you picked me up. Now, first things first. Hold me tight. [pause]

Not so tight that you press my tummy again. Because then I could stop talking. That’s right. You know what my name means, hey? [pause]

Yes, Tumi means I have courage and I am a happy tiger. Of course I am happy. I am with my friend and we can have our tiger chat. Hold me up before you. See, I am a tiny tiger. So I am your play friend. We do things together and learn important stuff. Isn’t that cool?
Would you like to be small like me? I know, you are a bit bigger than me – you are a human cub. How old are you? Say again? In my left ear. [pause]

Oh, OK. So you are that young. When is your next birthday? Say into my left ear? [pause]

Oh, well, remind me before the time. But just in case we both forget, I want to sing you a birthday song. Yes, yes, I’d like to do it now. Sit me on your lap, gently. [pause]

Now, close your eyes and I will sing. “Happy birthday to you (x2) Happy birthday tiger buddy, haaapyyy birthday to YOU!”
Do you like to be a cub and play with other human cubs? Or sit and chat with Tumi, your play friend? You know, you are allowed to be a cub (errr ...kid) and enjoy the things we cubs like to do. What’s your favourite game? Say again? [pause]

Hold me up so you can say it into my left ear. [pause]

That sounds like a grrrreat game. Now, I have another friend, Thoho. But he is not a playfriend. He must look after his brothers and sisters. Their Mom tiger and Dad tiger just left them and went away. Yes, this is so sad, it makes me want to cry [sniff – sound]. Thoho tiger did not really get a chance to be a cub. He must be like a grownup tiger. He and his two sister cubs have a difficult time. And you know what makes me sad? His name, Thoho, means to be happy, and now he is so very unhappy.
So, play and be a kid, enjoy games. That is your tiger treat. Father God wants you to be happy. He also wants you to have parents or someone who takes care of you. The Bible tells us this: Jesus, your VBF, Verrrry Best Friend is also God’s Son. So, He wants all the children to come to Him. He says this in God’s Word: “Let the little children come to me and don’t hinder them” (That’s in Mark 10:14).Then they can also be cared for by Father God. Do you want to talk to Father God? Say after me: “Father, thank you [pause]
for the treat [pause]
of being a child.” Now, if you want to talk about things that hurt you as a child, you have friends who care:
There is a number hidden inside my tummy that you can dial. Just look where my voice is hidden.
Also, find a grown-up whom you can trust, maybe a teacher or councillor, to discuss these things.
Do you want to go and play outside? Just give me a last tiger hug and put me down [pause]

Aaahh purrrr, byeee!

Chat 8 - Tiger trouble

Chat 8 - Tiger trouble

Hallo, my tiger buddy. I am Tumi, your special friend. You know, I am really glad you picked me up. Now, first things first. Hold me tight. [pause]

Not so tight that you press my tummy again. Because then I could stop talking. That’s right. You know what my name means, hey? [pause]

Yes, Tumi means I have courage and I am a happy tiger. Of course I am happy. I am with my friend and we can have our tiger chat. Hold me up before you. See, I am a tiny tiger. So I am your play friend. We do things together and learn important stuff. Isn’t that cool?
Would you like to be small like me? I know, you are a bit bigger than me – you are a human cub. How old are you? Say again? In my left ear. [pause]

Oh, OK. So you are that young. When is your next birthday? Say into my left ear? [pause]

Oh, well, remind me before the time. But just in case we both forget, I want to sing you a birthday song. Yes, yes, I’d like to do it now. Sit me on your lap, gently. [pause]

Now, close your eyes and I will sing. “Happy birthday to you (x2) Happy birthday tiger buddy, haaapyyy birthday to YOU!”
Do you like to be a cub and play with other human cubs? Or sit and chat with Tumi, your play friend? You know, you are allowed to be a cub (errr ...kid) and enjoy the things we cubs like to do. What’s your favourite game? Say again? [pause]

Hold me up so you can say it into my left ear. [pause]

That sounds like a grrrreat game. Now, I have another friend, Thoho. But he is not a playfriend. He must look after his brothers and sisters. Their Mom tiger and Dad tiger just left them and went away. Yes, this is so sad, it makes me want to cry [sniff – sound]. Thoho tiger did not really get a chance to be a cub. He must be like a grownup tiger. He and his two sister cubs have a difficult time. And you know what makes me sad? His name, Thoho, means to be happy, and now he is so very unhappy.
So, play and be a kid, enjoy games. That is your tiger treat. Father God wants you to be happy. He also wants you to have parents or someone who takes care of you. The Bible tells us this: Jesus, your VBF, Verrrry Best Friend is also God’s Son. So, He wants all the children to come to Him. He says this in God’s Word: “Let the little children come to me and don’t hinder them” (That’s in Mark 10:14).Then they can also be cared for by Father God. Do you want to talk to Father God? Say after me: “Father, thank you [pause]
for the treat [pause]
of being a child.” Now, if you want to talk about things that hurt you as a child, you have friends who care:
There is a number hidden inside my tummy that you can dial. Just look where my voice is hidden.
Also, find a grown-up whom you can trust, maybe a teacher or councillor, to discuss these things.
Do you want to go and play outside? Just give me a last tiger hug and put me down [pause]

Aaahh purrrr, byeee!

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