God scattered the people to go to all places on earth

God scattered the people to go to all places on earth

Outline: Genesis 11

Script Number: 1263

Language: English

Audience: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Bible Quotation: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Ideas for the title:God multiplies people’s languages.God disperses people to go dwell [live] everywhere.God multiplies people’s languages to disperse them to go dwell everywhere

After Noah and his family came out from the big boat [ark/ship], God blessed them.

God told them, “Bear many children, so that your families [descendants] fill the earth and dwell everywhere in the world!”

So, Noah’s family had many children. And these children grew up, got married, and had children. People became numerous. Still, they all spoke one same language, the same as Noah.

People traveled east [toward the sunrise]. They settled [began to farm] on the flatland where a big river flowed.

The people said to each other, “We will shape mud bricks and make them hard with fire. We can pile them easily to make our houses. We will use tar between the bricks to hold them together.

“We will [must] build a very big city [many strong houses and selling places] for ourselves. We will all stay together in one place and not be scattered everywhere!

“We will also build a very tall tower [a tall, tall building with steep walls] to reach [toward] the sky[heaven] [to worship the gods]! We will be famous!”

So [Then] they began to build a city. And they began to build a very tall tower.

God saw the city and the tower. He saw [observed] that the people had disobeyed his command to scatter everywhere.

God said [to his angels], “If the people stay together and all speak one [the same] language, then they will be able to do anything they imagine.

“Let us [I will] go down among them and confuse their language [cause them to speak new languages] so they will not understand each other.”

So God did that. The people began [were now] speaking many different languages, so they stopped building the city because they could no longer understand each other!

[Families and tribes that spoke the same language separated from the others.]That is how God scattered the people all over the earth.

And Babylon [Babel] became the name for that place where God confused the people with many different languages because they disobeyed him.

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